The last person to tag you is?
lala da piggy
Your 5 impressions towards her…
- sgt comel. (fes time aku ckp jujur ngn ko lala)- slalo moodswing xbertempat. pms sepanjang taon. miahahaha.
- slalu feeling2 umo doblas taonnn.
- mcm kanak2. bak kata YAP, mcm baby. miahahahaha. *wink*
- kuat maen. but still, she's a very good friend. she'll be with me whenever i need her. (unless gejala pms sepanjang taon menyerang)
i love you too lala! muahhhhx2~
The most memorable thing she had done for you…
u've done soooooo many thngs to me lala. n every single thng dat u've done is sooooo memorable to me. (wahhh... so shuwiiiiiit kannnn)
If she becomes your lover,you will…
we ARE a couple kan. xcaye tgk facebook we olssss~
If she becomes your enemy you will…
bukan if dahhh. da mmg enemy da pon skng. pulang kan akay akuuuu!!!
If she becomes your lover, she needs to improve on…
byk ko kene improve ni lala. tinggi xcukop. pas2 kene diet sket lg. taff tu da ok dah. yg laen, aku terima kau seadanya yeee... hik3~
If she becomes your enemy, the reason is…
ko kawen ngn akay pojaan hati aku tuhhhh~
How do you think people around you feel about you…
kanak2 yg sgt comel pelissssss~
The character for yourself is…
bak kata lala, a good listener.. miahahaha~ *wink*
The most ideal person you want to be is…
ohhhh.. i'm happy being myself~
For the person who cares or likes you, say something for them…
i care for you toooooo~ *so shuwiiiiiiiit*
10 people to tag…
i don't think i have ten, but i'll try~1. teng
2. jojo
3. awang
4. lobo
5. wani limauais
6. wani meche
7. maikel!!! (nape la nama penjahat ni terlintas ke kepala aku)
8. yap
9. aleng
10. hazirah
Who is num 2 having relationship with…
i know2~ orang sarawak. korek telingak. hahaha pokok gegar2 plssssssss~
Is num 3 a male or a female?
ko lelaki ke pmpuan awang??
Is num7 and num 10 together would be a good thing?
erkkkk... *speechless*
How about num 5 and 8?
wahhhhhh... sgt schuwitttttttt~ wani ngn yap. miaahahaha.
What is num 1 studying?
ermmm... kene pk luhhh. seb bek baru tnya arituh. ICT!! (am i right teng??)
When was the last time u had a chat with them?
before everyone went back home, i guess~
Is num 4 single?
Talk something about num 2…
kn YAP panggil ko baby
xshuwiiiiiit ke tuhh??
wah... 1st orang tanya aku soalan mcm tuh. xtau nk jwb cane r belle...
sape no 7 tuh?hahahaha
awang: buat la tag ni pelissss~
zira: dia dak 2nd yr 2nd. bermulut jahat. perangai mcm pnjahat jugak kot. hahahaha. seswai la ko ngn dia dowhhh~
haha... kenekan aku yek senah... jage koooo....
hahahha..aku tunggu ko balas kiahhh~
kau nk kate aku neh jht la?
smpai ati kau belle :'(
hahaha bukannnn. aku nk ckp ko la berhati mulia. sbb tu bole handle dia. ngehehehe~
akk kne tag!..
jwb jgn x jwb..
ahahaha...da jawab da adikk~
arghh..kena tag lagi!!...
same cm irda kasik..
malas a.. :P
malas sudahhhhh~
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