Wednesday, October 01, 2008


today is a very tiring day. doing all those raya prep made me dehydrated. really. my shift at da kitchen started at 12. jz after abah brought back all those dagings thingy. then potong2 da daging and basoh2. but still, i used my time wisely. ngeeeeee =D. have fun babe~

apa ini?

kuih makmur peberet jo-punye-kak-long??

n dis one?

kuih makmur kecik2 punye version kah??

dats y mama got angry at me. playing around with da dagings n tepung2. blom lg acara menyimbah tepung. wutever pon, asl aku happy sudey. hik3~

then mama assign me to make da kerisik. perghhhh!!! sauna free je arini dok menggoreng kerisik tu. panas nk mampos. n it took quite long until the kerisik jd kuning coklat2 tuh~ n now da best part ever.

tumbuk kerisik!!!

yes. mula2 mmg aku tabah. 1 round tumbuk. ok lagi. proceed to da nxt round. masih bertahan nampak nyeee. 3rd round. fuhhhh~ rasa cm nk tumbuh muscle da niii.. sure nami kagom tgk muscle aku nti. miahahaha~ 4th round??

belle da tetdo kat dapor. miahahaha~

bile bangon smule je, tgn da terketar2. so, lg byk yg tumpah je dari yg kene tumbuk. naseb laaa~

eheeemmm~ byk tumpah je okayhh

n ni la hasil penat lelah aku all dis day~

then, da setel sume2 tu baru proceed ngn rendang2 thingy lak. daging n ayam. siyesly, dis raya sgt penat. jz me n mama did all da masak2 prep. fuhhhhhh~


hazirahamzah said...

boley plak maen2 cmtuh...
konfem bsepah gle dapor kau
aku maen2 pon tade la bsepah cmtu.....kot

z.a.z said...

belle, nnt ko wat la bisnes kerisik..
baru taff muscle2 ko..
aku pun mnjadi mangsa goreng2 kerisik tu..fuhh..~ panas ngadap kuali tuh..

beLLe said...

zira: hahaha. ko kan expert masak2 ni~ mst la kemas bersih n selesa dapor ko.. wakakaka

zureen: wt bisnes kerisik kt utp? wakakaka. goreng da dpt sauna free... tumbuk lak cm g gym free.. wakakaka

Razf said...

knape x gune blender je?hehe

~farah~ said...

oii kerisik tu watpe...?
isk ape ni men tepung2..

beLLe said...

peacemaker: mane sedap wt kerisik pakai blender. tu spesies2 pemalas cm ko je kot wt cm2. miahahaha~

farah: wt rendang la sayang oiii~